A Truly Collaborative Vision for a Resilient Canadian Energy Future

Canada’s energy situation is at a critical juncture, requiring true collaboration from all provinces and all stakeholders. True collaboration in Canada means engaging a diverse group of stakeholders, including energy users and their advocates, political, community, and regulatory leaders, and the full range energy professionals, leaders of small and large energy organizations, and environmental advocates.

Our vision for a resilient Canadian energy future is built on the foundation of true collaboration, where diverse voices lead to balanced and pragmatic energy solutions.

True collaboration will:

  • ensure that economic and environmental responsibilities are prioritized,
  • lead to sustainable energy decisions and transitions, and
  • transform regulatory and policy-making processes, making them more transparent and less partisan.

True collaboration will empower our energy sector to expand the value it delivers to Canadian energy users and to Canada’s economy.

National, provincial, and community leaders will unite in processes designed to build resilience and growth amid economic, trade, and international uncertainties. Collaborative decision-making processes will replace polarized opinions with clear, believability-weighted dialogues. And Canada’s energy sector will meet evolving energy needs sustainably and economically.

The Ontario Energy Collaborative Association (OECA), founded in 2023, is committed to being a champion for this Canadian energy vision.

Now more than ever, we Canadians need to:

  • push beyond our comfort zones,
  • expand our commitment to collaborative efforts, and
  • seize new opportunities.

True collaboration will bring a commitment to expanding value for all stakeholders and focusing effort on achievable goals. Trust and innovation will again fuel Canadian prosperity.

If you embrace this truly collaborative vision of a resilient energy future for Canada, let’s unite and work together. Together, we will discover unique opportunities and create a vibrant energy and economic future for our country.

To participate, contact OECA at our website or directly through my email, [email protected], or phone at 519-498-4535.

Together, we can build a future marked by resilience and collective success.

With true collaboration always in mind,

Rick Baker
OECA Chair

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